Mrs. Durfee's 5th
Grade Class
In our classroom, learning and fun come together.
Class Schedule
Coming soon!
Our class will be working together to set our classroom expectations during the first week of school. More information coming soon!
Students who follow the rules and show good character will be recognized. Each student receives classroom money at the beginning of the month for their class job. Students who are caught doing a good deed will earn more class money. At the end of each quarter, an auction will be held where students have the chance to spend their hard earned cash.
Snack Time
Students may have a snack each day. Snacks that work well are fruits, crackers of all kinds, granola bars, dry cereal, pretzels, veggies, etc. Candy or cheesy/greasy chips are not acceptable snacks. Also, please provide a water bottle for your child to keep on the corner of their desk.
Birthdays are an important day and your child will be recognized. We are unable to put academics on hold to celebrate, but you are welcome to send a birthday treat that will take place during lunch. Invitations are not to be passed out in class unless all students are being invited (or boys invite all boys and girls invite all girls). This rule is in effort to keep hurt feelings from happening. If your child is not inviting all boys or all girls in the class then invitations may not be passed out during class time.
I believe the right amount of homework is an important part learning as it requires students to access new learning or review prior concepts, and it builds independent working stamina. Additionally, homework keeps parents informed of what we are learning in class and allows them to take part in helping as needed. Each day, our math lesson begins by checking the homework that was assigned, thus making it a valid learning tool.
Students will be held accountable each day for homework completion. Homework is expected to be complete every night it is assigned. Please sign the agenda even if homework is NOT complete and include your comments. Your child is responsible for obtaining a parent signature and returning homework to school. I don’t accept statements like, “My mom forgot to sign,” or “My dad was checking it but forgot to put it in my backpack.” I do realize once in a while unforeseen things happen. If you get sick, have a family emergency, or the dog really does eat the homework, a note from parents will excuse it. Busy schedules, recreational activities, or poor time management are unacceptable excuses for not doing homework or getting signatures.
Each night expect that your child will have about one hour (or less) of homework:
Independent reading for 30 minutes/20 0r more pages
Math Practice
Any assignments that are not completed within the allotted class time
It takes a village to run a successful and happy class. I would love a "Room Mom" to help coordinate events and social activities. It also helps to have a parent willing to volunteer in the classroom on a consistent basis to help with clerical things or working with a small group of students. From time to time, I will be asking for supply donations of craft materials (for holiday projects), needed supplies, and food for celebrations.
Each time you visit the school, you must sign in at the front office before you come to the classroom.
In This Classroom We:
Show manners
Have lots of smiles and laugher
Work extremely hard
Encourage and care about each other
Set high goals and do our best to meet them
Make memories and build friendships that last a lifetime